LIT x Prince Charles

by Nadja Weßlowsky und Magda Podkowinska

Animated explanations within the brand guide
Animated explanations within the brand guide

LIT x Prince Charles

by Katharina Städele

More blog posts

Launched: Ratsherrn refreshed

The independent brewery from Hamburg is not only a local hero, but also takes a stand against the dullness of industrial beer. We sharpened their strategy, refreshed their visual identity and crafted a unique brand campaign.
See case

New Case: Working on the future of AI

Everybody is talking about it, Ipai is actually doing it: creating the future of AI. Currently under construction in Heilbronn, Ipai will become the European hub for all things AI. We are their trusted partner for all things brand.
See case

New Case: Ready for Take Off

Finally, it’s official and we couldn’t be happier: CamperBoys is doing a holistic rebrand. From name to design – everything is changing. At this year’s ISPO, the international trade show for sports, they proudly introduced their new brand to the world: Off.
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